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Nursing team

Practice nurses

Julie Riddell

BA (Hons) RGN NDN Cert Asthma Dip Family Planning Cert

Kate Townend

RGN RM Family Planning Cert Asthma

Julie Hall

RGN RM Asthma Dip Family Planning Cert

Anita Rumbol

RGN RM Asthma Dip Family Planning Cert

Helen Chang

Phlebotomist/healthcare assistant

Jo Relf

Phlebotomist/healthcare assistant

Alison Hutchins


In recent years nursing has taken on a more progressive role within general practice and the surgery employs a number of nurses who provide a wide range of patient services, including cervical smears, childhood vaccinations, family planning, travel vaccination and advice and well woman/man checks.

District nurses

Patients who require nursing care and are housebound due to illness or infirmity, are seen by a nurse from the district nursing team. District nurses are registered nurses, specially trained to provide high standards of care in the community and work closely with practice clinicians in carrying out a variety of treatments including dressings, injections, general and terminal nursing, advice and support.

District nurses are not employed by the practice but by the local Primary Care Trust (PCT) and adhere to the PCT’s policies and procedures.

Contact the district nursing team by telephoning them on 0118 949 5083 between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday or at other times via the out of hours service.

Paramedic practitioners

  • Dru Towend
  • Kath Cox
  • Niki Toogood
  • Rachel Carter
  • Chloe Small