Surgery Update 30th July 2021

For the following Covid related queries please do not telephone the surgery – please call 119:

  • Booking or changing a Covid vaccination appointment
  • Questions about the Covid vaccination programme
  • Requesting an NHS Covid pass hard copy letter
  • Questions about the NHS Covid pass
  • Reporting technical issues with the NHS Covid pass

Further information and advice including exemption letters can be found on the government website. (

Pregnancy and covid – The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommend that pregnant women should be offered the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccination. Women can receive vaccine at any point in pregnancy, but are encouraged to do so as early as possible, to ensure maximum protection in the third trimester. Recent research supports Government advice to receive a follow-up vaccination eight weeks after the first.

Patients aged 17 years and 9 months and over are now included in the list of cohorts of those who are eligible for the vaccine and can book at a vaccination centre or turn up to a walk in site.

Change of address and or contact details

If you have changed your mobile or house phone number or your email address please can you update us by completing the change of personal details form on this website. (Under Administration)